Aktivisti krajnje desnice spalili su Kur'an u Malmeu, na jugu Švedske, što je dovelo do nereda i nemira na ulicama tog grada, javila je policija u subotu, prenosi Al Jazeera Balkans.
Više od 300 ljudi okupilo se na protestima zbog ovog čina, prenosi Anadolija.
Violence erupts in Swedish town of Malmo after anti-Islam actions, police say https://t.co/RtPHDBxQ8q pic.twitter.com/Mwrg8HFnLb
— Reuters (@Reuters) August 28, 2020
Do nereda je došlo u petak navečer.
Demonstranti su bacali predmete na policiju i druge službe na terenu.
Lakše povrede zadobilo je nekoliko policajaca, a privedeno je 15 osoba.
Huge fire had engulfed the forest around #Malmo, a city in #Sweden. As seen in the image, MusIims formed human chain to prevent the fire from entering the city and thereby saved trillions of lives. MashaIIah!#swedenriots pic.twitter.com/qYkXJe4vfd
— THE SKIN DOCTOR (@theskindoctor13) August 29, 2020
Neredi su uslijedili nakon paljenja Kur'ana u petak, u blizini pretežno migrantskog naselja.
Lokalni mediji navode da se u petak dogodilo nekoliko antiislamskih aktivnosti.
Tri osobe su uhapšene zbog sumnje da su poticale mržnju prema etničkoj grupi nakon što su zapalili Kur'an.
Huge riots in Malmo, Sweden last night after Danish group “Stram Kurs” burned the Quran. I always fail to understand why only Muslim immigrants are involved in violence whereas other immigrants seek justice through law of the land. @arifaajakia @TarekFatah #SwedenRiots pic.twitter.com/jAexqHSUdF
— Himalayan Girl (@ChaoNmh) August 29, 2020
This ain't Syria or Afghanistan but #Malmo city in #Sweden !!
Wake up before these radicals wage a war against infidels and take over Europe.@jihadwatchRS @DVATW @davidfrawleyved @TarekFatah pic.twitter.com/Cob4eTNQgE
— Satyam Shivam (@AazaadSatyam) August 28, 2020
Swara/Saba/Rana all didi will cry now.
Peaceful protest in #Malmo Sweden
? pic.twitter.com/sU8m27Mmpt— Geralt of Rivia (@1yudhishthir) August 28, 2020